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5 Ways to Increase Your HDL Cholesterol

Cholesterol has gotten a bad rap in recent history. From pharmaceutical advertisements to food labeling, we are told to lower our cholesterol—and to do it now! While it’s true that lowering your LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels is the healthy thing to do, there is one type of cholesterol that you don’t want to lower. […]

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Have You Tried An Elimination Diet?

The digestive tract is an intense environment. Acids are churning, muscles are contracting, and bacteria are feasting. If you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the intestines can become an all out warzone. Gas, cramping, and bloating are just the tip of the iceberg! These IBS symptoms can be set off by a variety of factors, […]

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One of Our Recent TV Commercials . . . .

Keep an eye out for our recent TV commercial airing on Channels 11 KTVT, 21 KTXA, and 33 KDAF. As always, give us a call if you’re interested in participating in a diabetic clinical research study!

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Exercising with Diabetes: How to Manage Your Insulin

The human body uses a complex feedback loop to manage blood sugar. Blood glucose, insulin, the pancreas, the liver, and the cells all play important roles. If you have either Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes straightening out each piece of this blood sugar puzzle can be really difficult! To make diabetes management even more […]

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3 Pill-less Remedies for Migraine Headaches

More than 36 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches. Aside from the excruciating pain, migraines are costly. All of the lost productivity and medical bills add up to more than $20 billion annually in the United States. There is no cure for migraine headaches, but studies show that nearly 40 percent of migraine sufferers could […]

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Perimenopause: The Change Before “The Change”

The skinny on menopause has made the rounds.  You know about the hot flashes, mood swings and that any reference to “the change” is likely to bring your favorite middle-aged woman out swinging.  But did you know that most women experience perimenopause prior to menopause?  Similar to an opening act at a concert, perimenopause is […]

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Diabetic Etiquette

For most of us, the thought of having to prick our fingers and give ourselves daily injections is downright scary.  For diabetes sufferers, it’s a simple fact of life.  Before you find yourself searching for what to say (or what not to say), consider these tips:  Keep your advice about nutrition to yourself.  The diabetic […]

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Is it Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

You’re dealing with abdominal pain and cramping. Maybe you have constipation or maybe you have diarrhea. You sometimes experience heartburn, nausea, and fatigue. What is going on in your body?! It could be irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The symptoms of IBS vary greatly among affected individuals and often seem to have no pattern. Because of […]

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What Are Your Migraine Triggers? And How to Avoid Them

There are a lot of people who suffer with migraine headaches, and if you are one of them, you know how horrible they can be. For some of us, one migraine can be debilitating for days and leave us unable to function in the slightest ways. Along with taking prescribed medications, there are some ways […]

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Does Your Bowel Need A Towel?

The sun is shining, the birds are singing and you’re in a great mood but your bowels?  Not so much.  Irritable Bowel System (IBS) affects roughly 20% of the population.  IBS is a gastrointestinal disorder that does not harm the gastric system but does cause discomfort and embarrassment. Women are twice as likely as men […]

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