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Diabetes: Control Your Blood Sugars through Smoking Cessation

There are many things that can have serious impact on your overall blood sugars. One of the largest effects on your blood sugar is not actually what you eat, it is what you breathe. Smoking is unhealthy for anyone, even those who don’t currently have any health problems. Even second hand smoke can have the […]

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Exercises for Diabetics Who Suffer from COPD

As a diabetic, you know how important it is to maintain your weight and in some cases, reduce your weight. If you are a diabetic who also suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), this can be very challenging. COPD is an overall diagnosis that covers a lot of respiratory illnesses. The illnesses that are […]

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Pain Relief with a Side of Opioid-Induced Constipation

For a headache or backache, most of us reach for ibuprofen or acetaminophen. These medications are readily available, extremely safe, and usually, very effective. However, some conditions produce a level of pain that simply overwhelms the body. In these cases, doctors often prescribe opioids. Statistics show that more than 365 million prescriptions are written for […]

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Overactive Bladder: What’s Going Wrong with your Urinary System?

The human body’s urinary system is made up of just a few organs that do a very important job. They are responsible for removing waste from the body and keeping chemical levels in balance. Of course, urinating is a very personal and “hush-hush” topic. When individuals run into trouble with their urinary system, they are […]

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Why Diabetics are at Risk for High Cholesterol

One of the most important things a diabetic can know is how their blood glucose levels can affect the other parts of the body. Even though the body is broken down into various systems, ie cardiac, respiratory, muscles, etc, they all work together and are affected by one another. Any disorder in the body, even […]

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High Cholesterol: Reducing Your Risk of Stroke

When you hear the words “high cholesterol”, most people think of a thick, crusty build up in arteries. They also think that the biggest threat of high cholesterol is the breakdown of the arteries that it attaches to. This is pretty scary information, to say the least. Even though they know what it is, they […]

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4 Ways to Help Your Insulin Work For You

When diet and exercise alone cannot control the ups and downs in your blood sugar, insulin may be your only option. Insulin is not a miracle cure, and even though it can help maintain your blood sugars, it is important that you do your best to ensure that your dose stays as low, instead of […]

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Am I Metformin Intolerant?

For many newly diagnosed diabetics, their first line of therapy often focuses on diet and exercise alone.  While that will be enough for some, unfortunately for many, the inevitable first step into a pharmaceutical treatment involves a medicine called metformin.  Metformin has been used since 1995 in the United States to treat Type 2 Diabetes […]

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5 Reasons To Participate In A Clinical Research Study

Most people don’t think about participating in a clinical research study simplye because they are not familiar with clinical research.  But there are big advantanges to be found in clinical research, such as:

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Online Diabetic Resources

The internet holds countless resources for people with diabetes, from healthy recipes to information about diabetic medications to tips for checking your blood sugar. At Protenium Clinical Research, we have a few websites we would like to recommend to you.

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