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Eat Good Food. Lower Bad Cholesterol.

older couple eating healthy breakfast

If you or a loved one suffer from having high cholesterol, you know there’s a whole list of foods that your doctor has probably told you not to eat. There are plenty of foods that can lead to high cholesterol, but what about the foods you should eat? Rather than focusing on what not to […]

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Treating Hot Flashes with Natural Remedies

woman with menopause

If you are one of the three-quarters of women who experience hot flashes as a symptom of menopause, you know how uncomfortable they can be, and what kind of impact they can have on your daily activities. The sudden rise in temperature, night sweats, nausea, headache, or any of the other burdens of hot flashes […]

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Can Pets Help With Migraines?

dog person migraine

There’s no doubt, our pets are some pretty amazing creatures. After a long day, you can always count on them to greet you with a warm heart and a cold nose. Having a pet has been shown to help with many things, from lowering blood pressure to detecting changes in blood sugar levels. So, it […]

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Magnesium: Good for Your Heart. Good for Diabetes.

magnesium benefits diabetes heart

As one of the seven macrominerals, magnesium plays a big part in our everyday lives and the effort to stay healthy, so it’s important to get enough and avoid a magnesium deficiency. There are many magnesium rich foods, but if you’re going to take a magnesium supplement, it’s a good idea to check with your […]

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What’s Causing That Pain in Your Back?

low back pain work

Most Americans have suffered from a form of back pain at some point in their life and many live with it daily, so don’t worry, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, there are many things that we do in our everyday life that can contribute to back pain. Whether it’s a sore muscle, a pinched nerve, or […]

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Avoiding Your Next Migraine

migraine headache prevention

If you are among the more than 37 million Americans that suffer from migraines, you know that they make your life much harder than it needs to be, and they can sometimes stop you dead in your tracks. Lights become too bright and noises become too loud. They are sometimes accompanied by dizziness, nausea, and/or […]

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Detecting Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes symptoms detection

Although type 2 diabetes can be very manageable, it’s nothing to take lightly, which means it’s crucial that it’s detected as early as possible. It is estimated that 29 million Americans have diabetes, and 1 in 4 of those are unaware that they have it, according to the CDC. That means there are more than […]

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Back Pain Relief Through Yoga

yoga sphinx back pain

If you are one of the ⅔ of Americans who suffer from low back pain, you understand how much of an effect it can have on your everyday life. Depending on the severity, even the most basic tasks can be a burden. Many of us spend much of the day sitting, and this can be […]

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Newly Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes

You’ve been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, and understandably you may feel shock, anger, sadness, or helplessness. Yes, it can be serious. It’s nothing to take lightly, but it is very manageable, and you can absolutely lead a normal life. If you’ve read any of our articles regarding Type 2 Diabetes, you know that healthy […]

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What Happens Upon Completion of a Clinical Research Trial?

clinical research

Most potential participants have many questions about what is involved during a clinical trial, and understandably so. But what happens afterwards? Upon completion of the study, the global study team (which includes our staff as well as those working for the study sponsor) will carefully analyze the information that was collected throughout the duration of […]

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