The internet holds countless resources for people with diabetes, from healthy recipes to information about diabetic medications to tips for checking your blood sugar. At Protenium Clinical Research, we have a few websites we would like to recommend to you.
Recommended Diabetes Websites
The website we recommend most often to our research patients is, the American Diabetes Association website. It covers every aspect of diabetic health and is a great tool for anyone, whether they have just been diagnosed with diabetes or have lived with it for years.
The Mayo Clinic is also full of information, including definitions of diabetic medications and tests that may be unfamiliar.
Finding Diabetes Clinical Trials Online
While trying to find ways to manage diabetes better, many have turned to participating in clinical research trials. Being involved in research is very important. Drug companies collect the data from these trials in order to put newer, better and safer drugs on the market for all kinds of conditions.
Protenium is located in Hurst, Texas, but there are many other research sites around the country. is an online registry and database of all clinical trials in the US.
Founded by Wade Strzinek, the President of Protenium Clinical Research, Healthagy is a new and innovative approach to improving awareness and participation in clinical research by publishing health articles and providing information on currently enrolling studies.
Healthagy is not only a place to find clinical trials but is also full of useful information for patients with all kinds of health conditions. The diabetes section of Healthagy contains many useful diabetes articles.
We hope these tools provide you with support and information to help you with your diabetes management!
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